Storage and Reclaim

Virta designs and supplies storage systems for a wide range of material handling project types, including concentrator feed systems, concentrate handling facilities, ports and terminals, and power plants.

Storage systems are a critical element of a material handling and processing facility. Whether the project involves open stockpiles, longitudinal storage, bunkers or silos, Virta develops customized storage alternatives to optimize first-in-first-out material flow, live capacity requirements, product separation, material degradation, residence time and reclaim methods. We can also provide insightful system simulations to help determine optimum storage capacity, and trade-offs involving reclaim equipment.

Reclaim systems such as belt feeders, apron feeders, dozer traps, hoppers, and others, are selected based on various parameters including material characteristics, reclaim capacity, redundancy, capital vs. operating cost, and other project specific criteria.

Storage and Reclaim

With this unique understanding, we can apply the insights gained with our expertise to a wide range of material handling projects

  • Concentrator feed systems
  • Concentrate handling facilities
  • Ports and terminals
  • Power plants